hello to our friends and family and blog followers,
This summer has turned out to be quite the experience for Matt and I. We were apart for most of the summer. Matt was in Colorado, and I was in Canada with my family. We thought it would only be for one month. One month turned into two, and two turned into three. We were apart from April to August. I was so upset at first about the length of time that we would be apart, but God really had this amazing plan. I had the best summer with my family. It was such a blessing to be able to be here. I know how hard it will be to be away from my family for a long period of time this year, so this was such a blessing to me. Matt also had a lot of work at home which is another huge blessing. Praise God for His provision!
Now, we are awaiting our visas for Sweden. The plan now is to get a work visa for a year so we can be in Sweden from October until April or May. I have been waiting to finalize things but i am praying that this week it will all be finalized and we will be ready to book our ticket to SWeden. Please pray for us as these next steps fall into place. While we are in Sweden we are planning to apply for Matt's perminant residency in Canada. We are hoping by the time we get back from Sweden that all the paper work will be done and he will have it. God has also provided in amazing ways sending us an angel to help us through this time.
I feel like through this summer i have been filled with so much doubt and uncertainty.. the other day as i was walking along a back road in Saskatchewan I was overwhelmed with an urge to pray aloud. As i was walking along this dirt road that never seemed to end.. i realized that God was trying to speak to me in this time. This dirt road was like the road that Matt and I are on. We both know there is an end to it, but we get tired and hot, and feel like it is the same dirt road we have been on a million times. AS i continued to walk, i cried out loud to God to show me what it was He wanted for our lives... As I stopped and looked out into a feild filled with crops.. as far as the eye could see.. i was brought back to the verse in Matthew 9:37
lots of love,