Thursday, January 8, 2009

Part Two of Our Amazing Adventure

Hello dear family and friends,

The time has seemed to just fly past us. It has been a year since our first arrival in Sweden. WE leave today at 5:15pm. I have to admit that I am a bit nervous. Not for being in Sweden, or anything about the place... about our flight over there. I am really praying that we both don't get sick. It was such a horrible ride there the last time.

Please pray for us as we arrive, see all of the framiliar faces, and begin our time of ministry. Matt is hoping to play in a game this weekend, so please also pray for health for him, and that the time change isn't hard on his body. We both can't express how excited we are and how blessed we feel to be doing the Lord's work. He has been so faithful to us, and we find ourselves humbled and in awe of who He is.

Thank you for all of your support through giving and prayer. We love you all dearly! I can't wait to get back into the swing of things in Sweden and begin writting to you what God has been doing. Please pray for open hearts, and that God would move in amazing ways!

Thanks again for all of your prayers, we truly can feel them!

Lots of Love....

Jess and Matt


Anonymous said...

We will be praying for you both. You will be missed here, but you are in the right place, where the Lord has shown the way, to do His work.
We will look forward to once again reaading the news from the Motherland! Ricky is doing well...Lucy keeps him busy!
We love you